

发布时间:2022-06-20 【字号: 浏览次数:



      陈利民,1967年2月出生, 泸州医学院(西南医科大学)本科、华西医科大学(四川大学)硕士,多伦多大学博士,研究员,“协和学者”特聘教授,博士生导师。哈佛大学博士后研究员。入选“四川省卫健委学术和技术带头人”、“四川省卫健委领军人才”等称号。现任医科院输血所输血传播疾病平台主任。四川省输血传播疾病医学重点实验室主任,国家重点研发计划首席科学家。主要从事输血传播疾病的基础及转化研究、输血传播病原体的诊断、灭活及耐药机制研究等,有关输血传播病毒致病及耐药机制、个体化精准治疗策略等相关研究结果已在多种国际杂志上发表SCI论文80多篇,引用1500余次。
       中国输血协会输血传播疾病专业委员会副主任委员,中国输血协会血液安全监测专业委员会委员,重庆市中西医结合学会肝病专委会常务委员,四川省输血协会专家委员会委员;四川省医学会第一届转化医学专委会委员,中国医学科学院首届青年科学家联盟理事;中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院第六、七届学术委员会委员;中国自然科学基金委重点项目特邀评审专家,多个国家重点研发计划、科技重大专项评审专家;国家卫健委重点实验室评审及验收专家。Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology 副主编,Journal of Infectious Diseases、《中国输血杂志》及《肿瘤预防与治疗》等杂志编委。研究成果获得2013年亚太肝病年会(新加坡)大会主席奖(Presidential Award)及2015年四川省医学科技(青年)一等奖
  1. 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技合作重点专项“输血传播病毒性肝炎转化医学及精准治疗策略研究”(2018YFE0107500)  2019.8-2023.7
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“泛素化特异性蛋白酶USP18在丙肝病毒耐受干扰素中的作用及分子机制研究“(81471956   2015.1-2018.12
  3. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目“肝脏炎性微环境通过ISG15/USP18影响巨噬细胞分化及肝细胞先天免疫导致丙肝病毒耐药的机制研究”(91442128) 2015.1-2017.12
  4. 国家自然科学基金委员会(中德科学基金研究交流中心)新型冠状病毒中德合作研究应急专项项目 “预防新冠病毒肺炎感染的新方法:经过功能修饰的微小蛋白颗粒喷雾剂”(C-0029)2020.10-2021.9
  5. 科技部对发展中国家常规援外项目“老挝献血人群新发再发病原体筛查体系的建立及应用”(KY201904011) 2020.1-2022.12
  6. 国家外专局“病毒学肝炎个体化治疗关键技术研究”(WZ20150623)  2015.1-2016.12
  7. 人社部留学回国人员科技活动项目择优资助 “病毒性肝炎耐药机理及干扰素治疗丙肝疗效预测方法的建立” 2012.9-2013.9
  8. 四川省委组织部 “病毒性肝炎个体化治疗及转换医学” 2011.5-2016.12
  9. 四川省科技厅国际合作项目“基于基因组学的乙肝病毒耐药新机制:ISG15/USP18信号通路在HBV耐药中的作用” (2017HH0024) 2017.1-2018.12
  10. 四川省科技厅国际合作项目“病毒性肝炎个体化治疗疗效预测方法的建立”   (2013HH0013)2013.1-2014.12
  11. 四川省科技厅科技支撑计划 “预测干扰素治疗丙型肝炎疗效的方法” (2011SZ0010)   2011.01-2013.12
  1. Hepatitis C Virus Infection: predicting treatment response and the molecular mechanism of interferon resistance (主编)
  2. Hepatitis C Virus: Molecular Pathways and Treatments (参编)
  3. Microarrays: Principles,Applications and Technologies (参编)
  4. The Battle Against Microbial Pathogens: Basic Science, Technological Advances and Educational Programs (参编)
  5. Microbial Pathogens and Strategies for Combating them: Science, Technology and Education(参编)
  6. 中华输血学第二版(参编)
  1. Haiyan Ye, Lan Kang, Xipeng Yan , Shilin Li , Yike Huang , Rongrong Mu , Xiaoqiong Duan and Limin Chen.MiR-103a-3p Promotes Zika Virus Replication by Targeting OTU Deubiquitinase 4 to Activate p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling Pathway.Front. Microbiol. 2022;13:862580. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.862580
  2. Shuang Li and Limin Chen. Exosomes in Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.Front. Oncol.2022;12:793432. doi:10.3389/fonc.2022.793432
  3. Xianlin Ye , Yu Zhao , Ran Li , Tong Li , Xin Zheng , Wen Xiong , Jinfeng Zeng, Min Xu and Limin Chen. High Frequency Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection Detected in NonResolved Donations Suggests the Requirement of Anti-HBc Test in Blood Donors in Southern China.  Frontiers in Immunology2021,12:699217. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.699217
  4. Haiyan Ye, Xiaoqiong Duan, Min Yao, Lan Kang, Yujia Li, Shilin Li*, Bin Li*, Limin Chen*.  USP18 mediates interferon resistance of dengue virus infection . Frontiers in Microbiology 2021 12:682380. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.682380
  5. He Xie, Honggang Sun, Rongrong Mu, Shilin Li, Yujia Li, Chunhui Yang, Min Xu, Xiaoqiong Duan*, and Limin Chen*. The role of circular RNAs in viral infection and related diseases. Virus Research 2021;291:198205
  6. Xianlin Ye, Tong Li, Ruohao Zhang, Heng Liu, Jinfeng Zeng, Wenxu Hong, Liang Lu, Weigang Zhu, Shilin Li, Min Xu , Shaobo Wu, and Limin Chen.Comprehensive analysis of hepatitis B virus infections in blood donors in southern China that are surface antigen positive but nucleic acid testing negative. Transfusion2020;50:1476-1482
  7. Xiao Liu,* Xiaoqiong Duan,* Jacinta A. Holmes,Wenting Li, Sae Hwan Lee,Zeng Tu, Chuanlong Zhu,Shadi Salloum,Anna Lidofsky,Esperance A. Schaefer,Dachuan Cai, Shilin Li,Haoju Wang,Yongfu Huang,Yongju Zhao,Ming-Lung Yu, Zhiwen Xu,Limin Chen,Jian Hong,Wenyu Lin, and Raymond T. Chung. A Long Noncoding RNA Regulates Hepatitis C Virus Infection Through Interferon Alpha–Inducible Protein 6.Hepatology 2019;69(3):1004-1019
  8. Xiaoqiong Duan , Xiao Liu, Wenting Li , Jacinta A. Holmes, Annie J. Kruger, Chunhui Yang,Yujia Li,Min Xu,Haiyan Ye,Shuang Li,Xinzhong Liao,Qiuju Sheng ,Dong Chen,Tuo Shao,Zhimeng Cheng,Batul Kaj,Esperance A. Schaefer, Shilin Li,Limin Chen*,Wenyu Lin *, and Raymond T. Chung. Microrna-130a Downregulates HCV Replication through an atg5-Dependent Autophagy Pathway. Cells2019;8:338 doi:10.3390/cells8040338 
  9. Li Y, Ma MX, Qin B, Lin LT, Richardson CD, Feld J, McGilvray ID, Chen L.The Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 18 Promotes Hepatitis C Virus Production by Increasing Viral Infectivity. Mediators of Inflammation2019 Nov 18;2019:3124745. doi: 10.1155/2019/3124745. eCollection 2019.
  10. Duan X, Li S, Holmes JA, Tu Z, Li Y, Cai D, Liu X, Li W, Yang C, Jiao B, Schaefer EA, Fusco DN, Salloum S, Chen L*, Lin W, Chung RT*. MicroRNA 130a Regulates both Hepatitis C Virus and Hepatitis B Virus Replication through a Central Metabolic Pathway.J Virol.2018 Mar 14;92(7). pii: e02009-17
  11. Xiaoqiong Duan, Yujuan Guan, Yujia Li, Shan Chen, Shilin Li, and Limin Chen*. Vitamin D Potentiates the Inhibitory Effect of MicroRNA-130a in Hepatitis C Virus Replication Independent of Type I Interferon Signaling Pathway. Mediators of InflammationVolume 2015, Article ID 508989http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/508989
  12. S. Li, X. Duan, Y. Li, B. Liu, I. McGilvrayand L. Chen*. MicroRNA-130a inhibits HCV replication by restoring the innate immune response. Journal of Viral hepatitis2014;21(2):121-8
  13. Limin Chen, Ivan Borozan, Maha Guindi,Jing Sun, Nitasha Anand, Jenny Heathcote, Aled M. Edwards, Ian D. McGilvray.  Cell-type specific gene expression signature in liver underlies response to interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C infection.Gastroenterology2010;138(3):1123-1133.e3.
  14. Limin Chen, Jing Sun, larry Meng, Jenny Healthcote, Aled Edwards, Ian McGilvray. ISG15, a ubiquitin-like interferon-stimulated gene, promotes hepatitis C virus production in vitro:Implications for chronic infection and response to treatment.   Journal of General Virology2010 Feb;91(Pt 2):382-8.
  15. Randall G, Chen L, Panis M, Fischer AK, Lindenbach B, Sun J, Heathcote J, Rice  CM, Edwards AM, McGilvray ID. Silencing of USP18 potentiates the antiviral activity of interferon against hepatitis C virus infection.  Gastroenterology 2006; 131(5):1584-91
  16. Ivan Borozan*, Limin Chen*,  Jing Sun, Laura-Lee Tannis, Maha Guindi, Ori D. Rotstein, Jenny Heathcote, Aled M. Edwards, David Grant,Ian D. McGilvrayGene expression profiling of acute liver stress during living donor liver transplantation   American Journal of Transplantation  2006 Apr;6(4):806-24  
  17. Chen L., Ivan Borozan, Jordan Feld, Jing Sun, Laura-Lee Tannis, Catalina Coltescu, Jenny Heathcot, Aled M. Edwards, Ian D. McGilvray.  Hepatic gene expression profiling discriminates responders and non-responders in treatment of chronic hepatitis C viral infection . Gastroenterology 2005; 128:1437-1444
  18. Chen L, Goryachev A, Sun J, Kim P, Zhang H, Phillips MJ, Macgregor P, Lebel S, Edwards AM, Cao Q, Furuya KN. Altered expression of genes involved in hepatic morphogenesis and fibrogenesis are identified by cDNA microarray analysis in biliary atresia. Hepatology. 2003 Sep;38(3):567-76
E-mail: limin.chen@ibt.pumc.edu.cn   limin_chen_99@126.com